Sandy Peden. Heroic Covenanter and Prophet.

 Sandy Peden (mid 1600s)

It was that Sabbath.

Last one inside the Kirk.

Preacher Peden shook hands

Smiling with that slight hint of courage…

Brethren, this is it.

Thanks for showing 

In spite of drizzle.

So what is drizzle

In face of our trusty Covenant

And pledge, to the bloods.

No King, no stench of politics.

Political favour, in a Bishop

Postures of convenience

And personal gain.

To head up the church? Never.

Rather our own presbyteries

Selecting each good preacher

Guide, father in faith, bringer

Of peace, love, courage and hope.

We have had battles, deaths, tortures

Cries of hatred filling the air.

Disturbing the sheep in the heather.

(and so went his message

For an extra-long duration.)

Then to the large front door

Parishioners passing through

Solemn silence, heads lowered.

Alexander, the Man of God

Raps the Big Door.

Thrice. With force.

(Shocking some larks to light

And fly off.)

Locking it. Sobs manifold in our hearing.

To the hills then, brethren.

God is there too.

We will fight over this.

If necessary.

Note: I spent a lot of pleasant time in the past at Waterloo University Porter Library studying stories of the Covenanters. It came as far as bloodied warfare with the dragoons of the English King. He attempted to impose episcopalian structure on the churches of the North.

Appointing political lackies in the Bishop and hierarchy. But the Scots would have none of it. Allowing many churches to be locked and barred. Knowing that remedy and righteousness could still be found gathering under an open sky in secret. Rehearsing the Psalms. Sharing Holy Communion. Getting quiet before the Lord. Hearing a message from their Shepherd.

A Father’s Gesture of Love and Mercy

They had caught his Boy

Preaching and encouraging

What they called sedition.

Brought him to Edinburgh.

Chained him in dark confines.

Tortured him in the “boot”.

Looking for his acquiescence.

His forced oath to a monarch

But to no avail.

They marched him to their gallows

Applied the noose

Allowed him a few words.

And those words were 

All about Jesus and

Delightful freedoms of Heaven.

Started the insolent drum roll

To drown out his speaking.

The drums stopped

The floor dropped away.

The young man flailed

In empty air.

But his Father had watched, hooded.

Father ran forward , jumped up.

Added the additional weight

For the consummation. The snap.

“Go my Boy, let it go.

You have fought well.

I will be with you

In a few short weeks

See, Jesus is smiling.”
