Andrew, Peter’s Brother, reporting in.


We have found Him

And know that He is truth

Distilled and pure.

A Certain Spring,

'Though damp and slush

Delay the budding. 

A Prince with yarns

Of fields and flowers

And feathered trust.

Unspoiled by gold

Or other trappings

Of convention.

Unmoved by rank

Or rule of present powers.

But moved by

Smallest cry of

Pain or shame

Or lonely lot.

A Man whose every

Waking step displays

Assurance, equity,

Mercy, patience, hope

Direct from Heaven.

Whose gaze commands.

The Promised One.

Re-charging nightly

On hills of prayer,

(With His Father,

So He says.)

As we have slept.

Brother, drop your net.

Come meet this One.

Come meet your future.
